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April 23 to 25, 2024

Save the date: German Tree Care Conference 2025: May 6 to 8


Submit proposals for short presentations

17 May 2022
After this year's German Tree Care Conference, the planning for next year's conference continues immediately. The contents of the former scientific poster session will then be given more space: Instead of an exhibition, there shall be correspondin...

No more restrictions because of Corona

19 April 2022
::cck::278::/cck:: ::fulltext::As of Sunday, 4/3/2022, the new Federal Infection Control Act is in effect. Many of the previous protections such as 3G or 2G regulations, capacity restrictions, distance requirements have been removed. The requireme...

Free entry for Ukrainian arborists!

06 March 2022
The German Tree Care Conference from May 10-12, 2022 is just around the corner and the organization for it is running on full speed. At the same time, the current situation in Ukraine overshadows everything. This also affects us personally. While ...